【ソフトクリーム】東京都町田市)「オーガスタ ミルク ファーム 南町田グランベリーパーク店」に行ってきました!


今回は、「オーガスタ ミルク ファーム 南町田グランベリーパーク店」に行ってきました!


【店舗名】オーガスタ ミルク ファーム 南町田グランベリーパーク店
【住所】 〒246-0026 神奈川県横浜市瀬谷区阿久和南3丁目11−4
【予 算】〜 ¥999



「オーガスタ ミルク ファーム 南町田グランベリーパーク店」に行ってきました!

1. 店内の雰囲気
南町田グランベリーパーク店は、gathering Marketの中にあります。店員さんもフレンドリーで気持ちの良い接客をしてくれます。イートインもありますが、近くの公園ではゆっくりとくつろぎながら食べることもできます。

2. 新鮮な牛乳

3. アクセスの良さ。           南町田グランベリーパーク店は、JR南町田駅から徒歩圏内にあります。また、駐車場も完備されているので、車でのアクセスもしやすいです。都心からもアクセスがよく、自然豊かな環境の中でオーガスタミルクファームの商品を楽しむことができます。


I went to “Augusta Milk Farm Minami Machida Granberry Park”!

Augusta Milk Farm is a farm that provides fresh and delicious milk and dairy products. The Minami Machida Grandberry Park store is one of the stores that handles delicious products from this farm. This time, we will introduce the charm of such Augusta Milk Farm Minami Machida Granberry Park store.
1. Atmosphere
The Minami Machida Grandberry Park store is located inside the gathering Market. The store clerk is also friendly and provides pleasant customer service. Eat-in is available, but you can also relax and eat in the nearby park.

2. Fresh milk
Augusta Milk Farm is famous for providing fresh milk. For this reason, the Minami Machida Grandberry Park store also sells milk squeezed early in the morning. Freshly squeezed milk has a slightly sweet and smooth texture that makes you feel like you are drinking raw milk. There are also plenty of processed products, including plain yogurt, so you can easily enjoy fresh dairy products.

3. Good access. The Minami Machida Grandberry Park store is within walking distance from JR Minami Machida Station. There is also a parking lot, so it is easy to access by car. Easily accessible from the city center, you can enjoy the products of Augusta Milk Farm in an environment rich in nature.

Above, we introduced the charm of Augusta Milk Farm Minami Machida Granberry Park store. It is a shop with a menu using fresh milk and dairy products. Why don’t you visit once by all means?


Thank you for reading this far.
I would be very happy if it would be helpful for as many people as possible to choose a store.
Also, I want to attract customers and send out SNS,
but I hope it will be of some help to restaurants who can’t get around and don’t know how to do it.
I would like to introduce the shops that I stopped by little by little.
I want overseas people to come to the store,
so I translated it into Google and posted the English version!‼︎


important point
* Information as of December 2022.
* Ingredients, menus, and prices may change depending on the purchase status of the store.
* If you have any concerns about food allergies, please check with the store before visiting.
