【和菓子】静岡県熱海市)「菓子舗間瀬 本店」に行ってきました!


今回は、「菓子舗間瀬 本店」に行ってきました!


【店舗名】菓子舗間瀬 本店
【住所】 〒413-0103 静岡県熱海市網代400−1
【電話番号】 0557-67-0111
【営業時間】 8:00~17:00
【予 算】〜999円



「菓子舗間瀬 本店」に行ってきました!

“伊豆の食材を使用した季節感あふれる和菓子のラインナップ。 和菓子の世界をご堪能できます!

春 → いちご大福・桜もち・桜きんつば
夏 →伊豆みかん
秋 →栗きんつば・栗蒸羊羹・福寿柿・みかん大福 冬 →干支最中・レモンケーキ など


I went to “Kashiho Mase Main Store”!

“A lineup of seasonal Japanese sweets using ingredients from Izu. You can enjoy the world of Japanese sweets!

The number one recommendation is the homemade red bean paste.
For seasonal Japanese sweets,
Spring → Strawberry Daifuku, Sakura Mochi, Sakura Kintsuba
Summer → Izu mikan
Autumn → Chestnut Kintsuba, Chestnut Steamed Yokan, Fukujugaki, Mikan Daifuku Winter → Zodiac Monaka, Lemon Cake, etc.

You can also purchase products that are not available online, such as unbaked sweets that do not last long at stores and sweets that cannot be delivered because they are fragile.



Thank you for reading this far.
I would be very happy if it would be helpful for as many people as possible to choose a store.
Also, I want to attract customers and send out SNS,
but I hope it will be of some help to restaurants who can’t get around and don’t know how to do it.
I would like to introduce the shops that I stopped by little by little.
I want overseas people to come to the store,
so I translated it into Google and posted the English version!‼︎



important point
* Information as of December 2022.
* Ingredients, menus, and prices may change depending on the purchase status of the store.
* If you have any concerns about food allergies, please check with the store before visiting.
