銭湯でリフレッシュ後、心地よいひと時を 個室居酒屋 酒蔵 季で


今回は、「個室居酒屋 酒蔵 季 錦糸町 」に行ってきました!


【店舗名】 個室居酒屋 酒蔵 季 錦糸町
【ジャンル】 居酒屋、中華料理、焼き鳥
【住所】 〒130-0013 東京都墨田区錦糸3丁目2−1 アルカイーストB1
【電話番号】 050-5486-3630
【営業時間】 月~日] 11:00~15:00  15:00~22:00(L.O)
金・祝前] 11:00~22:30(L.O)
【定休日】 年中無休
【予 算】 ¥4,000~¥4,999
【席 数】150席
【予 約】gnavi.co.jp tabelog.com hotpepper.jp yahoo.co.jp




そんな時、癒しの空間として私がおすすめするのが、銭湯でゆったりとした時間を過ごした後、錦糸町にある個室居酒屋「酒蔵 季」へ足を運ぶことです。





銭湯でぽかぽかと温まった体を引き締めつつ、酒蔵 季へ。






一品一品が丁寧に作られているのが、ここ酒蔵 季のこだわりなのです。




銭湯で体も心もリフレッシュし、その後のひと時を個室居酒屋 酒蔵 季で過ごす。




Recently, many people have been busy with work and daily life, and are feeling tired both physically and mentally.

At times like these, I recommend spending a relaxing time at a public bath and then visiting Sakagura Ki, a private-room izakaya in Kinshicho.

Relax your body and refresh your mind in the hot springs

First of all, why not try soothing your daily fatigue at a nearby public bath?

There are public baths with open-air baths around Kinshicho, where you can enjoy the bathing culture.

After warming up your body and purifying your mind, head to your next destination.

The charm of the private izakaya sake brewery Toki

After warming up my body in the public bath, I headed to Sake Brewery Ki.

As the name suggests, this restaurant is a seasonal izakaya with a modern Japanese atmosphere.

When you step into the store, you will find yourself in a space like a hideaway where you can forget the hustle and bustle of everyday life.

The charm of the menu

Well, the menu is also extensive.

For example, there is a wide selection of items, from light snacks such as salt-boiled edamame and potato fries to fried chicken and yakitori platters.

In particular, our home-made pizza shows the chef’s passion and has a reputation for being exquisite.

At Sake Brewery, each and every item is carefully made.

Enjoy in a private space

The best part is that there are private rooms with curtains.

It provides the perfect space for a banquet with friends or a date with your loved one.

You can enjoy delicious food and drinks while relaxing and have a relaxing time.


Refresh your body and mind at the public bath, then spend some time at the private izakaya Sakagura Ki.

This is the ultimate healing flow.

When you come to Kinshicho, be sure to try this combination.

You will be able to go home with a pleasant tiredness and a satisfied smile.




Thank you for reading this far.
I would be very happy if it would be helpful for as many people as possible to choose a store.
Also, I want to attract customers and send out SNS,
but I hope it will be of some help to restaurants who can’t get around and don’t know how to do it.
I would like to introduce the shops that I stopped by little by little.
I want overseas people to come to the store,
so I translated it into Google and posted the English version!‼︎



important point
* Information as of December 2022.
* Ingredients, menus, and prices may change depending on the purchase status of the store.
* If you have any concerns about food allergies, please check with the store before visiting.
