横浜家系ラーメン 岡本家 ラーメン愛好者への楽園


今回は、「横浜家系ラーメン 岡本家」に行ってきました!


【店舗名】 横浜家系ラーメン 岡本家
【ジャンル】 ラーメン
【住所】 〒140-0011 東京都品川区東大井2丁目23−2
【電話番号】 03-6404-6098
【営業時間】 11:00~23:00
【定休日】 不定休
【予 算】 ~¥999



横浜家系ラーメン 岡本家は、ラーメン好きにとっての楽園。その魅力を探り、美味しさと温かさに包まれる一日を過ごしてきました。ここでは、私の素晴らしい経験を共有します。

1. 香り高い家系ラーメンの誘惑


2. 温かい雰囲気と心地よいサービス


3. 魅惑の一杯:横浜家系ラーメン


4. 味わい深い無料トッピング


横浜家系ラーメン 岡本家は、ラーメン愛好者にとっての聖地。香り、味、雰囲気、全てが絶妙なバランスで満たされた一日を過ごすことができます。ラーメン好きなら、ぜひ一度足を運んでみてください。きっと、あなたもその魅力に虜になることでしょう。

Yokohama Iekei Ramen Okamotoya is a paradise for ramen lovers. We spent a day exploring its charm and being surrounded by deliciousness and warmth. Here I will share my wonderful experience.

1. The temptation of fragrant family ramen

From the moment you step into the restaurant, the rich aroma of soup tickles your nose. The aroma of ramen that pervades the store whets your appetite and heightens your anticipation. This is one of the charms of Yokohama Iekei Ramen.

2. Warm atmosphere and pleasant service

When you step into the store, you will be greeted by a cheerful greeting from the staff. The bright atmosphere and warm service will make you feel like coming home. You place your order at the ticket vending machine, and when you are shown to your table, your ramen is served immediately.

3. Fascinating Cup: Yokohama Iekei Ramen

The true value of Yokohama Iekei Ramen is the deliciousness that resides in each bowl of ramen. The thick noodles and rich pork bone soup create an exquisite balance, and the richness and flavor that spreads in your mouth is truly exquisite. The pork topping is also soft and goes perfectly with the soup.

4. Flavorful free toppings

What catches your eye after ordering is the free toppings provided on your table. One of the fun things about it is that you can customize it to your liking with onions, seaweed, chopped green onions, etc. This allows you to enjoy ramen in a more individual way.

Yokohama Iekei Ramen Okamotoya is a sacred place for ramen lovers. You can spend a day filled with the perfect balance of aroma, taste, and atmosphere. If you like ramen, please come and visit us at least once. I’m sure you too will fall in love with its charm.



Thank you for reading this far.
I would be very happy if it would be helpful for as many people as possible to choose a store.
Also, I want to attract customers and send out SNS,
but I hope it will be of some help to restaurants who can’t get around and don’t know how to do it.
I would like to introduce the shops that I stopped by little by little.
I want overseas people to come to the store,
so I translated it into Google and posted the English version!‼︎



important point
* Information as of December 2022.
* Ingredients, menus, and prices may change depending on the purchase status of the store.
* If you have any concerns about food allergies, please check with the store before visiting.
